""" This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . """ from xml.sax.saxutils import escape import urllib, re, os, urlparse import HTMLParser, feedparser from BeautifulSoup import BeautifulSoup from pprint import pprint import codecs import sys streamWriter = codecs.lookup('utf-8')[-1] sys.stdout = streamWriter(sys.stdout) HN_RSS_FEED = "http://news.ycombinator.com/rss" NEGATIVE = re.compile("comment|meta|footer|footnote|foot") POSITIVE = re.compile("post|hentry|entry|content|text|body|article") PUNCTUATION = re.compile("""[!"#$%&\'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\\]^_`{|}~]""") def grabContent(link, html): replaceBrs = re.compile("
[ \r\n]*
") html = re.sub(replaceBrs, "

", html) try: soup = BeautifulSoup(html) except HTMLParser.HTMLParseError: return "" # REMOVE SCRIPTS for s in soup.findAll("script"): s.extract() allParagraphs = soup.findAll("p") topParent = None parents = [] for paragraph in allParagraphs: parent = paragraph.parent if (parent not in parents): parents.append(parent) parent.score = 0 if (parent.has_key("class")): if (NEGATIVE.match(parent["class"])): parent.score -= 50 if (POSITIVE.match(parent["class"])): parent.score += 25 if (parent.has_key("id")): if (NEGATIVE.match(parent["id"])): parent.score -= 50 if (POSITIVE.match(parent["id"])): parent.score += 25 if (parent.score == None): parent.score = 0 innerText = paragraph.renderContents() #"".join(paragraph.findAll(text=True)) if (len(innerText) > 10): parent.score += 1 parent.score += innerText.count(",") for parent in parents: if ((not topParent) or (parent.score > topParent.score)): topParent = parent if (not topParent): return "" # REMOVE LINK'D STYLES styleLinks = soup.findAll("link", attrs={"type" : "text/css"}) for s in styleLinks: s.extract() # REMOVE ON PAGE STYLES for s in soup.findAll("style"): s.extract() # CLEAN STYLES FROM ELEMENTS IN TOP PARENT for ele in topParent.findAll(True): del(ele['style']) del(ele['class']) killDivs(topParent) clean(topParent, "form") clean(topParent, "object") clean(topParent, "iframe") fixLinks(topParent, link) return topParent.renderContents() def fixLinks(parent, link): tags = parent.findAll(True) for t in tags: if (t.has_key("href")): t["href"] = urlparse.urljoin(link, t["href"]) if (t.has_key("src")): t["src"] = urlparse.urljoin(link, t["src"]) def clean(top, tag, minWords=10000): tags = top.findAll(tag) for t in tags: if (t.renderContents().count(" ") < minWords): t.extract() def killDivs(parent): divs = parent.findAll("div") for d in divs: p = len(d.findAll("p")) img = len(d.findAll("img")) li = len(d.findAll("li")) a = len(d.findAll("a")) embed = len(d.findAll("embed")) pre = len(d.findAll("pre")) code = len(d.findAll("code")) if (d.renderContents().count(",") < 10): if ((pre == 0) and (code == 0)): if ((img > p ) or (li > p) or (a > p) or (p == 0) or (embed > 0)): d.extract() def upgradeLink(link): link = link.encode('utf-8') if (not (link.startswith("http://news.ycombinator.com") or link.endswith(".pdf"))): linkFile = "upgraded/" + re.sub(PUNCTUATION, "_", link) if (os.path.exists(linkFile)): return open(linkFile).read() else: content = "" try: html = urllib.urlopen(link).read() content = grabContent(link, html) filp = open(linkFile, "w") filp.write(content) filp.close() except IOError: pass return content else: return "" def upgradeFeed(feedUrl): feedData = urllib.urlopen(feedUrl).read() upgradedLinks = [] parsedFeed = feedparser.parse(feedData) for entry in parsedFeed.entries: upgradedLinks.append((entry, upgradeLink(entry.link))) rss = """ Hacker News http://news.ycombinator.com/ Links for the intellectually curious, ranked by readers. """ for entry, content in upgradedLinks: rss += u""" %s %s %s Comments
""" % (entry.title, escape(entry.link), escape(entry.comments), entry.comments, content.decode('utf-8'), entry.comments) rss += """
""" return rss if __name__ == "__main__": print upgradeFeed(HN_RSS_FEED)