# $Id: Makefile,v 1.2 2008/07/10 19:00:59 rschaten Exp $ # # Creates documentation and tarball for shipping. TODAY=`date "+%y%m%d"` DIR=`basename \`pwd\`` PACKETNAME=$(DIR)_$(TODAY) all: usage usage: @echo "Usage of this makefile:" @echo "make docs create documentation" @echo "make tarball packs a tarball for shipping" @echo @echo "For further information, consult the documentation in Readme.txt." # doc generation docs: readme pdf @echo "documentation created" readme: doxygen echo "This file is auto-generated from the content of firmware/main.c" > Readme.txt echo "You'll have more fun if you read the HTML-content in htmldoc or the PDF." >> Readme.txt echo >> Readme.txt lynx -dump htmldoc/main.html >> Readme.txt pdf: doxygen make -C latexdoc mv latexdoc/refman.pdf . rm -rf latexdoc doxygen: doxygen firmware/project.doxygen clean: rm -rf htmldoc latexdoc Readme.txt refman.pdf rm -f $(PACKETNAME).tar.gz make -C firmware clean make -C bootloader clean fw: make -C firmware mv -v firmware/main.hex firmware/main_$(TODAY).hex bl: make -C bootloader mv -v bootloader/main.hex bootloader/main_$(TODAY).hex circuitpdf: @echo "converting circuits to pdf" for i in circuit/*.ps; do ps2pdf -sPAPERSIZE=a4 $$i $$(echo $$i | sed -e "s/\.ps$$/.pdf/"); done tarball: fw bl circuitpdf clean docs @echo @echo @echo "I assume you updated the Changelog...? Press Enter to continue..." @read [ -e "firmware/main_$(TODAY).hex" ] || exit [ -e "bootloader/main_$(TODAY).hex" ] || exit rm --force $(PACKETNAME).tar.gz; \ tar --directory=.. \ --exclude=$(DIR)/Makefile \ --exclude=CVS \ --exclude=*.ps \ --create \ --gzip \ --verbose \ --file ../$(PACKETNAME).tar.gz $(DIR)