#include // https://github.com/marvinroger/homie-esp8266 #include // https://github.com/adafruit/DHT-sensor-library #define HAS_LDR #define HAS_LED #undef HAS_DHT // HAS_LED #define PIN_LED_RED D8 #define PIN_LED_GREEN D6 #define PIN_LED_BLUE D7 HomieNode ledNode("led", "rgb"); int led_red = 0; int led_green = 0; int led_blue = 0; // HAS_LDR #define PIN_LDR A0 HomieNode ldrNode("ldr", "ldr"); const int INTERVAL_LDR = 60; unsigned long lastSentLDR = 0; int ldr = 0; // HAS_DHT #define PIN_DHT D4 #define TYPE_DHT DHT22 HomieNode humidityNode("humidity", "humidity"); HomieNode temperatureNode("temperature", "temperature"); HomieNode heatindexNode("heatindex", "heatindex"); const int INTERVAL_DHT = 60; unsigned long lastSentDHT = 0; DHT dht(PIN_DHT, TYPE_DHT); float humidity, temperature; // raw values from the sensor float heatindex; // computed value from the sensor void setupHandler() { #ifdef HAS_LDR pinMode(PIN_LDR, INPUT); #endif #ifdef HAS_LED pinMode(PIN_LED_RED, OUTPUT); pinMode(PIN_LED_GREEN, OUTPUT); pinMode(PIN_LED_BLUE, OUTPUT); analogWrite(PIN_LED_RED, led_red); analogWrite(PIN_LED_GREEN, led_green); analogWrite(PIN_LED_BLUE, led_blue); #endif #ifdef HAS_DHT dht.begin(); #endif } bool ledColorHandler(String message) { DynamicJsonBuffer json_inBuffer; JsonObject& json_in = json_inBuffer.parseObject(message); if (json_in.success()) { if (json_in.containsKey("red")) { led_red = json_in["red"]; analogWrite(PIN_LED_RED, led_red); } if (json_in.containsKey("green")) { led_green = json_in["green"]; analogWrite(PIN_LED_GREEN, led_green); } if (json_in.containsKey("blue")) { led_blue = json_in["blue"]; analogWrite(PIN_LED_BLUE, led_blue); } } else { Serial.println("parsing of JSON failed"); } DynamicJsonBuffer json_outBuffer; JsonObject& json_out = json_outBuffer.createObject(); json_out["red"] = led_red; json_out["green"] = led_green; json_out["blue"] = led_blue; String response; json_out.printTo(response); Serial.print("led state: "); Serial.println(response); Homie.setNodeProperty(ledNode, "color", response); return true; } // compare float values bool isEqual(float a, float b, float epsilon=0.001) { return fabs(a - b) <= epsilon * fabs(a); } void loopHandlerLDR() { if (millis() - lastSentLDR >= INTERVAL_LDR * 1000UL || lastSentLDR == 0) { int ldr_new = analogRead(PIN_LDR); if (ldr_new != ldr) { ldr = ldr_new; float ldr_float = map(ldr, 0, 1023, 0, 10000) / 100.0; Serial.print("LDR: "); Serial.println(ldr_float); if (!Homie.setNodeProperty(ldrNode, "value", String(ldr_float), true)) { Serial.println("Sending failed"); } } else { Serial.println("LDR value unchanged"); } lastSentLDR = millis(); } } void loopHandlerDHT() { if (millis() - lastSentDHT >= INTERVAL_DHT * 1000UL || lastSentDHT == 0) { float previousHumidity = humidity; float previousTemperature = temperature; float previousHeatindex = heatindex; humidity = dht.readHumidity(); // read humidity as a percent temperature = dht.readTemperature(); // read temperature as Celsius heatindex = dht.computeHeatIndex(temperature, humidity, false); // check if any reads failed and exit early if (isnan(humidity) || isnan(temperature)) { Serial.println("Failed to read from DHT sensor!"); return; } if (!isEqual(humidity, previousHumidity)) { Serial.print("humidity: "); Serial.println(humidity); if (!Homie.setNodeProperty(humidityNode, "value", String(humidity), true)) { Serial.println("Sending failed"); } } else { Serial.println("humidity unchanged"); } if (!isEqual(temperature, previousTemperature)) { Serial.print("temperature: "); Serial.println(temperature); if (!Homie.setNodeProperty(temperatureNode, "value", String(temperature), true)) { Serial.println("Sending failed"); } } else { Serial.println("temperature unchanged"); } if (!isEqual(heatindex, previousHeatindex)) { Serial.print("heatindex: "); Serial.println(heatindex); if (!Homie.setNodeProperty(heatindexNode, "value", String(heatindex), true)) { Serial.println("Sending failed"); } } else { Serial.println("heatindex unchanged"); } lastSentDHT = millis(); } } void loopHandler() { #ifdef HAS_LDR loopHandlerLDR(); #endif #ifdef HAS_DHT loopHandlerDHT(); #endif } void setup() { Homie.setFirmware("things", "1.0.0"); #ifdef HAS_LDR Homie.registerNode(ldrNode); #endif #ifdef HAS_LED ledNode.subscribe("color", ledColorHandler); Homie.registerNode(ledNode); #endif #ifdef HAS_DHT Homie.registerNode(humidityNode); Homie.registerNode(temperatureNode); Homie.registerNode(heatindexNode); #endif Homie.setSetupFunction(setupHandler); Homie.setLoopFunction(loopHandler); Homie.setup(); } void loop() { Homie.loop(); }