import xbmc import xbmcgui import xbmcaddon import xbmcvfs import json import random import sys import tmdb ADDON = xbmcaddon.Addon() CWD = ADDON.getAddonInfo('path').decode('utf-8') #CWD = ADDON.getAddonInfo('path') # for kodi 19 # reads program names from JSON files and returns a dict def list_programs(cinematic_path): dirs, files = xbmcvfs.listdir(cinematic_path) programs = {} for filename in files: if filename.endswith('.json'): filehandle = xbmcvfs.File(cinematic_path + filename) program_json = filehandle.close() program_data = json.loads(program_json) programs[program_data['name']] = filename return programs # shows the selection dialog with program names, returns JSON filename def show_dialog(programs): entries = programs.keys() dialog = xbmcgui.Dialog() ret ='Cinematic: Select a program', entries) del dialog return programs[entries[ret]] # get a number of random files from a directory def files_from_dir(count, location): dirs, files = xbmcvfs.listdir(location) files = random.sample(files, count) for i in range(len(files)): files[i] = location + files[i] return files # reads the JSON file and conducts a pre-program for the feature movie def conduct_program(program_file, feature): filehandle = xbmcvfs.File(program_file) program_json = filehandle.close() program_data = json.loads(program_json) program = [] for item in program_data['items']: settings = item['settings'] if settings['source'] == 'file': entry = {'type': 'video', 'data': settings['location']} program.append(entry) elif settings['source'] == 'dir': for location in files_from_dir(settings['count'], settings['location']): entry = {'type': 'video', 'data': location} program.append(entry) elif settings['source'] == 'tmdbtrailer': TMDB = tmdb.Tmdb(apikey = settings['apikey'], language = settings['language']) tmdbid = int(feature['tmdbid']) imdbid = feature['imdbid'] choice = settings['choice'] trailertype = settings['type'] count = settings['count'] if not tmdbid: tmdbid = TMDB.get_tmdbid(imdbid) if tmdbid: movies = TMDB.get_recommendations(tmdbid, choice) random.shuffle(movies) trailers = TMDB.get_trailers(movies, trailertype, count) else: print("TODO: this feature has no tmdb id, find someting else to play") trailers = [] for trailer in trailers: entry = {'type': 'video', 'data': trailer['location']} program.append(entry) elif settings['source'] == 'rating': rating = -1 for s in feature['mpaa'].split(): if s.isdigit(): rating = int(s) break if rating > -1: dirs, files = xbmcvfs.listdir(settings['location']) for f in files: if f.startswith(str(rating)+'.'): location = settings['location'] + f break entry = {'type': 'video', 'data': location} program.append(entry) elif settings['source'] == 'feature': entry = {'type': 'video', 'data': feature['file']} program.append(entry) return program # fetches information on the feature movie def get_feature(movieid): query = '{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "VideoLibrary.GetMovieDetails", "params": {"movieid": %s, "properties": ["file", "mpaa", "uniqueid"]}, "id": "1"}' % movieid json_response = xbmc.executeJSONRPC(query) response = json.loads(json_response) if not 'tmdb' in response['result']['moviedetails']['uniqueid']: response['result']['moviedetails']['uniqueid']['tmdb'] = 0 if not 'imdb' in response['result']['moviedetails']['uniqueid']: response['result']['moviedetails']['uniqueid']['tmdb'] = '' feature = { 'label': response['result']['moviedetails']['label'], 'file': response['result']['moviedetails']['file'], 'mpaa': response['result']['moviedetails']['mpaa'], 'tmdbid': response['result']['moviedetails']['uniqueid']['tmdb'], 'imdbid': response['result']['moviedetails']['uniqueid']['imdb'] } return feature # entry point if __name__ == '__main__': movieid = xbmc.getInfoLabel('ListItem.DBID').decode('utf-8') cinematic_path = ADDON.getSettingString('cinematic_path') feature = get_feature(movieid) print(feature) programs = list_programs(cinematic_path) program_file = cinematic_path + show_dialog(programs) program = conduct_program(program_file, feature) print('=== playlist') for entry in program: print(" * [%s] -- %s" % (entry['type'], entry['data'])) if xbmc.getCondVisibility('Window.IsVisible(MovieInformation)'): xbmc.executebuiltin('Dialog.Close(MovieInformation)') print('=== playing') playlist = xbmc.PlayList(xbmc.PLAYLIST_VIDEO) playlist.clear() for entry in program: print(" * [%s] -- %s" % (entry['type'], entry['data'])) if entry['type'] == 'video': playlist.add(entry['data']) else: print(" unable to handle %s yet" % entry['type']) xbmc.Player().play(playlist) xbmc.sleep(500) while xbmc.getCondVisibility('Player.HasMedia'): xbmc.sleep(100) print('=== done playing')