
116 lines
3.5 KiB
Raw Normal View History

from cleaners import normalize_spaces, clean_attributes
from encoding import get_encoding
from lxml.html import tostring
import logging
import lxml.html
import re
utf8_parser = lxml.html.HTMLParser(encoding='utf-8')
def build_doc(page):
if isinstance(page, unicode):
page_unicode = page
enc = get_encoding(page)
page_unicode = page.decode(enc, 'replace')
doc = lxml.html.document_fromstring(page_unicode.encode('utf-8', 'replace'), parser=utf8_parser)
return doc
def js_re(src, pattern, flags, repl):
return re.compile(pattern, flags).sub(src, repl.replace('$', '\\'))
def normalize_entities(cur_title):
entities = {
u'—': '-',
u'–': '-',
u'\u00A0': ' ',
u'\u00AB': '"',
u'\u00BB': '"',
u'"': '"',
for c, r in entities.iteritems():
if c in cur_title:
cur_title = cur_title.replace(c, r)
return cur_title
def norm_title(title):
return normalize_entities(normalize_spaces(title))
def get_title(doc):
title = doc.find('.//title')
if title is None or len(title.text) == 0:
return '[no-title]'
return norm_title(title.text)
def add_match(collection, text, orig):
text = norm_title(text)
if len(text.split()) >= 2 and len(text) >= 15:
if text.replace('"', '') in orig.replace('"', ''):
def shorten_title(doc):
title = doc.find('.//title')
if title is None or title.text is None or len(title.text) == 0:
return ''
title = orig = norm_title(title.text)
candidates = set()
for item in ['.//h1', './/h2', './/h3']:
for e in list(doc.iterfind(item)):
if e.text:
add_match(candidates, e.text, orig)
if e.text_content():
add_match(candidates, e.text_content(), orig)
for item in ['#title', '#head', '#heading', '.pageTitle', '.news_title', '.title', '.head', '.heading', '.contentheading', '.small_header_red']:
for e in doc.cssselect(item):
if e.text:
add_match(candidates, e.text, orig)
if e.text_content():
add_match(candidates, e.text_content(), orig)
if candidates:
title = sorted(candidates, key=len)[-1]
for delimiter in [' | ', ' - ', ' :: ', ' / ']:
if delimiter in title:
parts = orig.split(delimiter)
if len(parts[0].split()) >= 4:
title = parts[0]
elif len(parts[-1].split()) >= 4:
title = parts[-1]
if ': ' in title:
parts = orig.split(': ')
if len(parts[-1].split()) >= 4:
title = parts[-1]
title = orig.split(': ', 1)[1]
if not 15 < len(title) < 150:
return orig
return title
def get_body(doc):
[ elem.drop_tree() for elem in doc.xpath('.//script | .//link | .//style') ]
raw_html = unicode(tostring(doc.body or doc))
cleaned = clean_attributes(raw_html)
#BeautifulSoup(cleaned) #FIXME do we really need to try loading it?
return cleaned
except Exception: #FIXME find the equivalent lxml error
logging.error("cleansing broke html content: %s\n---------\n%s" % (raw_html, cleaned))
return raw_html