A stepper motor controller for use in photography.
This is the ideal case for the build:
Configurable values
General configuration
- Settle time: pause between camera move and shutter trigger.
- Focus time: how long to focus before triggering.
- Shutter time: how long to press the trigger.
- Return after scene: return to starting point after shooting.
- LCD blackout: turn off LCD backlight while shutter is open.
Scene configuration
- Steps: number of steps for this scene.
- Distance per step: how far to move between the steps.
Example results
This is the first image that was made using this project:
Depth of field for my setup is a little more than 1mm, so this image is composed from 30 different shots, each 1mm apart. Here's an animation of the non-fused images:
The images were taken as JPG. For some reason the align-program did strange things with my full size images, so I reduced them in size first -- it's only a first test:
for i in *.JPG; do convert $i -resize 50% $i.tif; done
Then I was able to align all images:
align_image_stack -ma aligned_ AJ9E94*.tif
Once all images had been alignes, I created the final image from my stack of photos:
enfuse -o result.tif --exposure-weight=0 --saturation-weight=0 --contrast-weight=1 --hard-mask --contrast-edge-scale=0.5 aligned_00*